微软证实Windows Blue会运行在小尺寸平板中

微软证实Windows Blue会运行在小尺寸平板中

news.imobile.com.cn true http://news.imobile.com.cn/articles/2013/0508/118968.shtml report 2404 前段时间,网络曾传出微软专门为小尺寸平板和智能手机打造的新系统Windows Blue,国外媒体称之为Windows 8.1。周一,微软在其官方博客中证实了Windows Blue的存在,并称将会在今年的晚些时候正式推出。

手机之家资讯中心5月8日消息,前段时间,网络曾传出微软专门为小尺寸平板和智能手机打造的新系统Windows Blue,国外媒体称之为Windows 8.1。周一,微软在其官方博客中证实了Windows Blue的存在,并称将会在今年的晚些时候正式推出。

微软CFO/Windows主管 Tami Reller

根据微软CFO/Windows主管Tami Reller的说法,未来的Windows Blue将会根据外观以及电池寿命运行在不同尺寸的显示设备上。这也就间接透露出微软将很可能会推出7英寸左右的Surface产品,直接参与与7.9英寸的iPad mini及低成本的7英寸Android平板和亚马逊Kindle Fire的竞争。另外,Windows Blue系统也将为企业和消费者提供更多的选择,变相的为Windows 8和Windows RT的市场占有率做出一定的贡献。

Tami Reller还指出,自推出Windows应用商店以来,应用程序的数量已经增加了6倍,相比IOS应用发展一年时比要迅速的多。她还指出,Windows应用程序目前已经被下载了2亿5千万次,未来前景会更加乐观,同时,微软已经售出了1亿个Windows 8认证,其中仅在一月份就出售了60%,这其中包括PC端和平板电脑端。

附微软CFO Windows主管 Tami Reller的一段话:

"Windows Blue is a codename for an update that will be available later this year, building on the bold vision set forward with Windows 8 to deliver the next generation of tablets and PCs. It will deliver the latest new innovations across an increasingly broad array of form factors of all sizes, display, battery life and performance, while creating new opportunities for our ecosystem. It will provide more options for businesses, and give consumers more options for work and play. The Windows Blue update is also an opportunity for us to respond to the customer feedback that we’ve been closely listening to since the launch of Windows 8 and Windows RT. From a company-wide perspective, Windows Blue is part of a broader effort to advance our devices and services for Microsoft."-Tami Reller, CFO, Microsoft

来源: 手机之家



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